"Breaker Breaker One Niner" yelled Roberson into the Young Republican walkie-talkie. This is Bush-52, the situation is under control, Over."
"Roger Bush-52 but aren't you supposed to be in the Quad Cities rounding up new recruits?" asked a voice through the speaker.
"Negative Ten Niner," said Roberson, "I sent out an assistant, Dick 34.5, to do that Job. No worries, things are fine around here."
"Roger that."
The crew took this opportunity to run out the door. As Sarah ran out through a sea of angry conservatives, she glanced lustfully over her shoulder at Roberson: "That boy is really takin' charge.. I like that in a man." Bill threw Old Man J over his shoulder and headed for the door. Mr. J kicked and screamed the whole way out.
"I'll be back you sonsabitches!" Yelled old man Johanasen. Then he caught Sarah glancing at Roberson and his face started turning red. "He's got the car, now he'll get the girl" Mr J cogitated: "My life is like a story, and it needs more women." Mr J winks at the camera.
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